
Types Of Gold Veins In The Mining

Gold vein is the outcropping of rocks and usually very often contain minerals of gold ore. In the process of vein formation is most common is gold veins that are not visible to the naked eye because it is usually always together with a mineral carrier such as quartz, sulfide, calcite and some clay minerals. And thickness of veins ranges from a few centimeters to four meters, and the length can reach several hundred meters and extending to a depth of more than 1,500 m. Some gold vein deposits are characterized by low sulphization and mineralogy consists of quartz, pyrite, galena, chalcopyrite and sphalerite are lower. In some places, sulfides are accompanied by calcite and some silver minerals. It was noted that blood vessels may be in the transition between the gold-quartz-sulfide and carbonate-base metal gold, but also distinguished from each, by different mineralogy and environmental geology

        Vein deposits formed from hydrothermal fluids that rise through the crust to the surface. This liquid, usually made ​​by magma moving through the earth's crust. In geology, a vein is a mineral element that has been crystallized and contained in the rock and the shape of the groove is different from the color of the stone base. The veins are formed when mineral elements brought by an aqueous solution stored in the rock mass through precipitation and hydraulic flow involved is usually due to hydrothermal circulation.
       Most of the veins are considered as the result of crystal growth on planar fractures in the rock wall, with crystal growth occurs in the wall cavity, and form crystals protruding into open space. These are some methods in the process of formation of some veins. But the geology is very rare for a significant open space to remain open in the large volume of stone, especially a few kilometers below the surface. Quartz veins in the appearance of color is a bit different, mostly white colored milk and sometimes often too big is darker and shows the inclusion fluids or gases that may be derived from carbonic acid in abundance

These are some examples of gold veins contained within a mining 

 Clearly visible layer of yellow gold along in the crevice between the rock cavity bone white colored gray ashes

 Line direction is colored gold veins to ash gray and brownish colored wedge of rock on the side wall outside. These veins contain gold and silver mineral elements have few mineral deposits of gold ore

Somewhat blackish color on the side of the rock wall on the wedge by a brownish-colored rock walls have gold content of ore, mineral ore, but is not visible when viewed with the naked eye. To be able to see it we need the help of a microscope or a magnifying glass.

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