
Characteristics of Gold Ore Minerals

Some characteristic features of type ore mineral type
 Gold nuggets with large size of more than 2mm. And the Nuggets usually have a 20K or pure gold content of 83% to 92% or it could be  up to  23K. And this nugget of gold usually has shades of orange yellow color. The formation  of naturally occurring surface oxide layer that inhibits adhesion between the gold flakes. So when gold pieces collide with each other under pressure, they may be joined into larger sections. Another nugget may occur in the form of the original vein prior to erosion, often showing signs of abrasive  polishing  due to  the flow. For many gold nuggets found in outcrop or in a deposit of placer gold veins or lodes that have been weathered. Gold nuggets are also many who find the prospect of the river  area  where  the area  has a  metal  mineral content is very high. 
Free gold with fine grains and has a size less than 2mm to 150 microns and can be seen with the eye naked without using binoculars or a microscope. Characteristics of gold is similar to the gold nuggets. Many miners who discovered free gold in a watershed. And they are often found in large numbers. Absorption method simply by panning or using a centrifuge to separate the gold grains of the mineral carrier. Gold grains are often found in deposits in primary or secondary deposits.
Specimens of gold which is a form of gold with a mineral carrier or quartz and has a size of metallic ore which is almost  the same as  free  gold. Where the gold grains are visible with the naked eye  either  intergrown  with  gangue  in primary deposits or as a loose item in secondary deposits. For the separation of  metals  with  mineral  carrier  we could use the machines to separate the  gold grains  from  the unwanted  gangue. Fortunately, a high density of gold allows for effectively separated and concentrated  using  gravity  method  with  low costs, such as jigs, water gate, shaking tables etc. 
 Where the size of microcrystalline gold ore minerals are below 150 microns to 0.8 microns and fatherly look of metal ore we need a tool microscope. Microcrystalline gold deposits are generally  found  in the  primary. Gold grains are disseminated in a gangue of quartz and intergrown or locked in sulfide minerals. Coarse grains can be liberated by crushing and grinding followed by gravity concentration  using a  concentrator. If the ore consists of very fine grains extraction with a mixture of  sodium  cyanide  to extract  metal  ore fatherly. 
Submicro crystalline gold particles and typically occur in the crystal lattice of certain sulfide ores. Gold contained in sulfide minerals present as small grains  and particles in the crystal lattice  of minerals. Many primary deposit consists of grains and disseminated  in pyrite, chalcopyite, arsenopyrite  or pyrrhotite containing large amounts of  gold  and intergrown with gangue minerals. Sulfide minerals can not be concentrated  by gravity methods because the  gravity  is very  low for gold sulfide. Froth flotation is the most common technique used to process the content of ore minerals in these rocks, followed by using sodium cyanide to remove gold. Mining techniques such methods are expensive  and can only be  used  on large deposits, but has a low value to support the processing activities. 
Gold in some tellurium compounds. Gold also occurs in a gold or silver compounds  witht ellurium. Tellurium can sometimes be found in nature, but more often as a  compound tellurida of gold (kalaverit), and joined with other metals. Most elements of  tellurides compounds found in rock type and sylvanite calaverite. However, this compound  is extreme lyrare for the content of gold in a mine. Tellurium obtained commercially from the anode  mud produced during electrolysis of copper refining process heat. 
All types of gold formation above the main establishment on the basis of natural events That shape and size of gold ore minerals ore minerals. Of all types of gold ore minerals all show varying degrees of crystallinity of spherical grains (eg alluvial) crystal with sub hedral grains without visible through the crystal with the ultimate appearance of the hydrothermal process. In most Situations, gold was found in a round shape, however, where the crystallisation of open space has occurred, Such as in the supergene environment, gold is the most common crystal.

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