
The Origin Of Gold

The formation of gold through a process magmatisme on the surface as well as activities vulkanisma making it a consequence of the existence of native gold movements in the earth's heat or thermal. Some of the sediment formed by the process metasomatisme contacts and hydrothermal solutions, while the mechanical activity produces Lay or placer deposits. And genesis of gold be categorized into two namely:
  • Primary deposition, which is a deposit of igneous rocks and gold form a vein (vein)
  • Deposition plaser which is the origin of gold deposits of rock that has been eroded by water into a river stream and gold were deposited because of the specific weight of gold is high.
Gold is a metal which is quite interesting for the talk. Who does not know about gold metals everyone knows and understands that the metal gold is a precious metal.  From year to year is always increase the selling price. Gold mostly used as a tool of jewelry, but in some countries also use gold as financial standards, as well as for electronic devices. The use of gold in monetary and financial field based on absolute monetary value of gold it self against various currencies around the world, although officially the world's commodity exchanges, the gold price listed in U.S. Dollars. Forms of use of gold in the monetary field is typically in the form of bouillon or gold bars in various units of weight grams to kilograms
     Gold in a chemical element has the symbol Au is derived from the Latin "aurum" and has the atomic number 79. Gold is a metal that is soft and malleable, has a yellow color, glossy, heavy, "malleable", and "ductile" and hardness range between 2.5 - 3 (Mohs scale) and the melt in liquid form at temperatures around 1000 degrees Celsius . Gold density also depends on the type and content of other metals combined with it. Mineral gold carrier usually associated with minerals (gangue minerals). Associated minerals were mostly Acid ie, quartz, carbonate, tourmaline and fluorite are abundant, and a small number of non-metallic minerals or other gangue minerals from the alkaline earth group.
Mineral ore carrier:
         Mineral gold carrier was also associated with sulphide deposits that have been oxidized. Carrier mineral of gold consists of gold nativ, electrum, telurida gold, some gold alloys and compounds with the elements sulfur, antimony, and selenium. Electrum actually another type of gold nativ, only the silver content in it> 20%.
Most of the gold ore contains small amounts of silver, copper, platinum, etc. Telluride minerals the most common mineral containing significant gold and mineral coating are:
Petzite (Ag, Au) 2, Te, with gold content of about 25% of its density

Hessite (Ag2Te), with gold are often present to replace part of the silver

Sylvanite (Au, Ag) Te2: usually has about 25% heavy mineral ore from rocks.

 Calaverite (Au, Ag) TE2: usually has a gold ore reserves of about 40% of the mineral density of rock

Krennerite (Ag2Te, Au2Te3): has about 35% by weight of the gold content of ore mineral rocks

Nagyagite (Au2, Pbi4, Sb3, Te7, S7). has about 12.75% content of ore mineral density rock for gold

Gold-containing sulfides, and tellurides, is the primary formation, chalcopyrite containing gold although it may also be formed by a process of secondary enrichment.

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