
Video Processing Gold Mining Newmont Mining Corporation

    Newmont Mining Corporation is a mining company based in Denver, Colorado United States, the company was founded in 1921 by Colonel William Boyce Thompson in New York United States. Newmont Mining Corporation is primarily a gold producer, with significant assets or operations in the United States, Australia, Peru, Indonesia, Ghana, Canada, New Zealand and Mexico
So how do our exploration teams Newmont Mining Corporation locate future large-scale projects gold mining? 
      The first step is prospecting. But with veins of gold Typically spanning just a few feet in width, and curving along the Earth's geography, it is extremely difficult, to pinpoint an area of exploration Among Thousands of square miles of land.

And this is a video overview of how Newmont Mining Corporation to a gold mining exploration

Newmont Mining Corporation uses several methods to reduce the size of land to explore, among others:

  • Evaluate the land's geology
  • Analyze the geochemistry of soil sediment and water
  • Commission airborne geophysics surveys to record the level of electrical and magnetic current in the crust below.

Once a target area has been identified, and geological, geophysical and geochemical data indicate a high probability of a deposit, drilling is conducted. Drilling helps evaluate the type and grade of minerals in the ore, they mark the exact location and depth of each sample taken. Samples are then sent to an accredited lab, which identifies the type of minerals and grade of gold within them. Once information is back from the lab, then  supplement those findings with geologic, geochemical and geophysics data. Understanding the local geology is a very important part of the process, both economically and environmentally. The geology affects mining, processing and the ways in which manage waste rock, tailing and water. It is also an important aspect of rehabilitation plans.
    Production geologists use information they obtain from sampling, testing, mapping and observation to determine the most efficient and effective mining techniques, as well as to identify the grade (amount of mineral) in the ore. In gold and silver mining, grade is reported as grams per ton. Copper grade is reported as a percentage. It is important to know the grade to determine which rock is sent to the plant for processing and which rock is sent to the waste rock storage area.By using this data and complex computer programs to more accurately define the orebody, mine engineers can determine mining methods, design blast patterns, design dig patterns, and maximize the safety and efficiency of production - as well as determine how the ore should be processed.

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