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History of Gold Mining in the US

Gold   mining  consist of a number of processes and techniques, employed to extract raw  gold  from earth. These  gold  extraction techniques include  gold  panning, metal detecting, sluicing, dredging etc.

This metal is an expensive element; thus, individuals and nations have always been interested in  gold  extraction, mainly to gain economic benefits. In the United States of America, a major rush of  gold   mining  took place with the discovery of  gold  at the Reed farm in North Carolina, in 1799. Thirty years latter, this metal was discovered at the southern Appalachians in Georgia, which was followed by the California  Gold  Rush in 1848-52 in the Sierra Nevada, as a result of which a lot of people started to settle down in California. This was only the beginning of the history of this metal discovery and mining in America. Later on, many states in America, like Alaska, Alabama, Texas, Virginia and many more, were found to be blessed with reservoirs of this metal.

Gold  was discovered in Alabama around 1830, shortly after the Georgia  Gold  Rush. The major reservoirs were in the Arbacoochee district in Cleburne County and the Hog Mountain district in Tallapoosa County.  Gold   mining  started in Alaska around 1970s. The principal this metal sources in Alaska are Fort Knox mine and Kenai River. A total of 40.3 million troy ounces of this metal has been extracted from reservoirs in Alaska from 1880 through the end of 2007.

In California, this metal was discovered in the Potholes district between 1775 and 1780, along the Colorado River, in present Imperial County by Spanish prospectors. A lot of other  gold  deposits were also found in California. Major  gold  excavation activity started in 1848, during the California  Gold  Rush.  Gold  production in California peaked in 1852, at 3.9 million troy ounces (121 tonnes), produced in that year. The largest  gold-mining  district in California is the Mother Lode of the Sierra Nevada, it was discovered somewhere in early 1850s.

In the state of Colorado, this metal was discovered in 1858 during the Pikes Peak  Gold-Rush , in the vicinity of present-day Denver in 1858, but these deposits were quite small; however, in January 1859, some major  gold  reserves were discovered in Central City-Idaho Springs district Colorado. There are also a few other active  gold   mines  like Golden Wonder  mine , Cash and Rex  mines  that contribute to the  gold-billion  production of the state.

In early 1800s, Nevada was much known for its silver reservoirs, but the discovery of  gold-bullion  deposits around 1870s, attracted the  gold-bullion  excavators from other parts of country. Nevada has one of the largest  gold  reserves in the world, and now it is the leading  gold-bullion  producing state. Nevada currently produces 82% of all the  gold   mines  in the United States. Currently, there are more than 20 active  gold   mines  in Nevada.

Perhaps, the history of  gold-bullion   mining  in state of Virginia is as old as the history of  gold   mining  in the US, because Virginia  gold-bullion   mines  were one of the earliest discovered reservoirs.  Gold-bullion   mining  activity in Virginia began about 1804 as placer  mining , followed quickly by lode  mining , even before the famous California  Gold  Rush. Small scale production of  gold  from these  mines  continued till Civil war. Near the end of the war, Union troops began to destroy these mines; many mines were damaged beyond repair and have not been reopened. At its peak, Virginia was the third largest  gold-bullion  producing state, but owing to post world war economic conditions, commercial  gold  production in Virginia ceased after 1948.

It should be noted that USA is the second largest  gold-bullion  producer of the Word, only after South Africa. The country produced about 285 tons in 2003.  Gold  was produced at about 53 major lode  mines , a dozen or more large placer mines (mostly in Alaska), and numerous other smaller placer mines (mostly in the Western States). In addition, a small amount of domestic  gold-bullion  is also recovered as a by product of processing base metals, chiefly copper. To buy  gold  bullion you have to invest a lot so that you can reap in future.

Americas Gold History Documentary Films

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