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Gold Mining In Saudi Arabia ( Video )

Gold mining in Saudi Arabia in decades are now able to put the production of gold mining in the world market, although Saudi Arabia is the largest oil producer in the world, but in around 1997 the government of Saudi Arabia established the Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma'aden) which is an investment in the mining sector. The Saudi Arabian government involving several youths and the surrounding community deployed in mining exploration.

Prospecting new gold mines in Saudi Arabia continues to push the gold market from the perspective of the industry. Some geologists find and the estimated millions tons of gold deposits in Saudi Arabia which be in some old gold mine sites. From the deputy Ministry of mineral resources Saudi professional put the mineral specimen through various processes and instrument to eventually determine the mineral characterization  

Exploration efforts continue to be improved on some of the resources of gold deposits. The introduction of gold mining and the more modern extraction methods make Saudi Arabia became a major producer of precious metals. Gold mining techniques with the flotation system, activated carbon system is also applied in the gold mining industry of Saudi Arabia.

Domestic gold production represent the reliable repyl for the making of gold jewerly and mountain of gold coin in Saudi Arabia. The Government encourages all parties in the region of Saudi Arabia as well as several international companies to conduct a mining investment, thus contributing to maintaining growth in the national economy, as well as the growth of the mining industry in Saudi Arabia is much stronger.

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