Panning Gold Equipment

Panning fine gold concentrates by hand is difficult and tedious, however, when set up and operated properly, the Blue Bowl can recover Gold as fine as talcum powder!

This Concentrator Kit weighs about 5 pounds and includes the Blue Bowl, leg levelers for using on a 5 gallon bucket, 1/4 ounce plastic vial for displaying your gold, 750 gallon per hour 12 volt pump, three feet of 3/4 inch flex hose, a pair of battery clips, and how-to instructions.

    Concentrator Kit includes the Blue Bowl, 3 plastic leg levelers, 1/4 ounce plastic vial for storing your gold, 750 gallon per hour 12 volt pump, 3 feet of 3/4 inch flex hose, pair of battery clips, and instructions.
    The Blue Bowl Gold Concentrator is completely portable and will quickly remove your fine gold from your concentrates. It is designed to work forever, with no moving parts to wear out or break.
    Pre-screen your concentrates to at least 30-mesh using a classifier before adding to your Blue Bowl.
    To recover micro-fines, prescreen the concentrates using a 50 or 100 mesh classifier.
READ MORE >>> Blue Bowl Concentrator Kit with Pump, Leg Levelers, Vial - Gold Mining Equipment

Gold Panning Machine Speed Up Your Gold Processing Work

Kit includes: Mountain Goat Trommel, Desert Fox Automatic Gold Panning Machine (w/ speed control), and Trommel Transefer Kit. Speed up your gold processing work and increase gold recovery with the Mountain Goat Gold Trommel. This machine is aptly named because it can eat almost anything and is light enough to carry up a mountain! The Mountain Goat Trommel is a reverse helix system built on the same principle as the huge mining trommels used by large mining companies all over the world, but this is light and portable. It is not to be confused with gravel pit trommels, though, which are designed to classify gravels. 
The reverse helix system came from the Archimedes Screw Pump invented over 2,000 years ago by the mathematician Archimedes. Someone discovered that the pump brought up GOLD along with the water they were pumping out of the Nile river! The Mountain Goat is very efficient because the spiral riffles inside of the tube turn and bring the heavy materials up to the high end of the tube while allowing the lighter materials to flow out of the back of the tube as tailings. This system makes the trommel self-cleaning, which eliminates the need to break down for clean-up as is necessary with sluice box type equipment. Recover 50 times MORE GOLD with the Desert Fox Automatic Gold Panning Machine! With the Desert Fox, you can work concentrates down much faster. Not only will your speed increase, your gold recovery and efficiency will improve by a factor of 50. That's not a misprint! You will recover 50 times more gold with the Desert Fox than working by hand with a gold pan. More gold, less time, and a lot less work. And with the new proprietary variable speed model, you can adjust for maximum gold recovery no matter what type of material you are panning.

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