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Gold Mining In Eritrea Africa

Eritrea is one of the developing countries in the production of gold in Africa. Having gained its independence in 1992, the country is relatively young compared to other African countries. Eritrea has worked its natural resources for some time and now several projects to be developed. It is expected that approximately four major mines will be operational in 2018.

The country has only a commercial gold mine, mined with most of its gold from Little artisanal miners. Nearly all of the Large gold deposits remain intact.

Eritrea has a Far history of gold mining. Early gold mines in the country were artisanal miners, mined gold from gold deposits along the route of the Red Sea, especially around the Arabian Nubian Shield. As part of Empire of Ethiopia.This country never had the influence of white colonialists and so most of its resources have been discovered and mined by the locals.

The civil war with Ethiopia which led in 1992 for the independence of the country disrupted and also most of the mining activities in the country, and this could be pointed out as the main reason why the country, AEOS mining sector is the least developed.

The government in recent years has been hand in hand with foreign investors to set up and operate a strong gold mining in the country . Most of these companies are involved in exploration activities in several places are already working to develop various gold deposits. Some of the major international players in the country, AEOS gold sector include:

Junior Sub-Sahara Resources

This is an Australian company that owns Approximately 80% in three main exploration licenses in Eritrea. The company has rights to the Dabarwa block, Adi Nefas block and Medrizien block which covers Approximately 1,200km2. These are very promising grounds around the country, AEOS capital Asmara. The company is also working on developing and mining the Zara gold project, after 70% of the project of Dragon Mining NL 2003

The company recorded success in its gold projects to Asmara with significant gold mineralization having been discovered the ancient plant to the Woki Duba and Medrizien sites. Several other minerals such as zinc, have found lead sulphides and copper also in major exploration sites.

Rift These Resources
is another major gold mining companies in Eritrea. The company has been active in the last few years in gold and some other base metal exploration in several places within the country. Its principal gold project is the Adi Nefas project is located north of Asmara. Today that is projected was Approximately 4.4 g / t grading and Approximately 165 g / t silver to have appreciated. Other major projects that the company owns include Nefasit mount Subab project Tekeze field gold project and the Kefina project. The company also owns Approximately 40% of the shares in Anglo American, AEOS Augaro Gold Project.

Nevsun Resources Ltd

This is an important Africa focused gold mining company . The company has four exploration licenses on a project that covers over 1,188km2 in Augaro area. The company also owns 60% in the Bisha Mining Company with the remaining shares by the Eritrean National Mining Corporation (ENAMCO) is owned. The company mines gold, copper and zinc from several mines within the country.

Sanu Resources Inc.

This is another major gold mining companies with an interest in Eritrea, AEOS gold sector. The company grew out of the British Virginia Island and has exploration and mining licenses for Kerkebet and Gieba regions in the northern parts of the country.

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