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Gold In Quart ( Video )

Natural gold in quartz samples are crystalline gold nuggets constitute gold that are still attached in host rock which is typically made of quartz. Gold in quartz is the result of hard rock mining, where gold veins apart the gold-laden exposing the gold laden quartz within the vein.
Gold veins that are so wealthy in gold which can be seen with the naked eyes is visible are very rare, and veins so wealthy that they produce the kind of natural gold in quartz samples. In epithermal gold deposits, it is quite common for significant gold veins running through quartz rock, and these samples can be found with a high quality metal detector. 

Often quartz samples these gold are very beautiful and interesting, so they are greatly appreciated by mineral collectors, sometimes even more than the value of gold itself.

With sample-grade gold such as this, it is recommended that looking for gold collectors who pay a premium for them rather than crushing these mineral samples. However, there are occasions when it is the best interest of the prospectors to destroy these pieces of ore. 

The first discovery of gold in quartz appears from a man named Davidson, a Baptist preacher, in February 1851,on the south side of Amador creek near the spring then used by the miners. Boulders of great size were lying on top of the Soil

The intelligent men who worked while gold rush in the canyons and rivers in the early days, they found gold in the gravels. Sometimes gold was found with quartz adhering. The quartz veins lining the hills near the richest placer, also served on this rock demonstrate as the original source of the gold. In Carson Hill, and then Mariposa County, quartz found immensely wealthy, but the expense of blasting the rock out  and crushing, so that no serious attempts were made until 1851. 

The whole California gold country swarming with quartz; in some places in mountains, which had filled the ravines with broken quartz, but not all the quartz had gold in it. The miners to found gold in quart with the hard way, until some experienced men were put on many locations.


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