Method Of Minerals Exploration Stage

          An exploration activities in general, not only in the form of positive investigation and discovered signs of the place the excavated materials, but the sense of exploration that refers to the entire sequence of the work group consisting of review or prospecting in order to find the prospect of a mineral that has economic value to define additional mineral ore in a mine. In mining there are stages of exploration, which also has exploration stage of its own. These are generally aimed at the exploration stage to identify any mineral ores, the presence, size, shape, distribution, quantity, and quality of the deposit as the basis for the analysis / study the possibility of investment.
Some aspects Phasing In the Planning and Exploration Activities include :

 1.   Preliminary Exploration Phase 
         where in the preliminary exploration stage of this level of accuracy required is still small in scale and stages of investigation is generally carried out a mapping based on a 1:250,000 scale base map until with 1: 100,000 to stage the details with a map scale 1:2.000 up to 1: 5000: In general, the preliminary exploration phase is divided into:
  • Literature Review 
        In this stage, this stage is a preparatory activity prior to conducting activities in the field before choosing the location of the study re-exploration was done on data from surveys that have been done and some existing maps. After selecting a location has been determined the next step is the study of regional geological factors as well as aerial photo interpretation of Landsat imagery and mineralization model study that estimated on the basis of existing geological data, preparation of working maps, equipment, pilot plan, and conducting the licensing process with relevant agencies and the metallographic from regional geological maps are very important to choose exploration area, because the formation of the deposit is influenced by and dependent on the geological processes that have occurred, and the signs can be seen on the field this preliminary study will greatly help smooth further work in the field.
  • Surveying And Mapping
        At this stage of the survey carried out (review) by glancing at the expected interest on the basis of geological data to determine indications of mineralization in the field. A review on the ground by conducting observations of active stream sediment. Map scale used was ranging from 1:200.000 up to 1:100,000. If a topographic map of the exploration area is available, the surveying and mapping of outcrops and other geological phenomena can already begun. But if no, it is necessary to first topographic mapping. On a scale of 1: 25,000 to scale 1: 10,000. Geological investigation is an investigation relating to the geological aspects such as: geologic mapping, test trenches, test wells. In the geological investigations carried out geological mapping by performing the observations and taking samples associated with geological aspects in the field. The observations made ​​include: the type of lithology, mineralization, alteration and structure in outcrop, while taking samples of rocks selected

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